Desire Path Budget

Our estimated budget in pie chart, text, and song. (To be updated in mid 2022.)
By The Curiosity Paradox.

Desire Path Budget in Pie Chart

Budget Pie Chart PDF
Budget Pie Chart PNG

Desire Path Budget in Text

Accessibility: $3,000 - 20%

Relationship Repair: $1,500 - 10%

Art Making: $8,000 - 53%

Colleague Compensation: $2,400 - 14%

Advertisement/Marketing: $400 - 4%

Desire Path Budget in Song

Desire Path Budget
The Curiosity Paradox

Song in mp3
Lyrics in Word
Lyrics in PDF

Desire Path Budget Song Lyrics

Desire Path
Desire Path

Desire Path
and Transcripts
and ASL

and Transcripts
and ASL

Desire Path
Paying for art
Paying our colleagues

Paying for art
Paying our colleagues

Relationship Repair
Time and Mediation

Advertisements and Marketing

Paying for art
Paying our colleagues
Relationship Repair
Time and Mediation
Advertisements and Marketing

Desire Path

Desire Path
Paying for art
Paying our colleagues
Relationship Repair
Time and Mediation
Advertisements and Marketing

Desire Path
Desire Path